The Homeward Call
After becoming a Christian, Jeff encountered nominalism and half-hearted devotion so often found in the Church, which led him to conclude that Mormons were more diligent at living their religious convictions than Christians were at following Jesus as a way of life. This realization led Jeff on a spiritual journey back to a more ancient homeland of a Bible-based Contemplative activism—a call that has taken him to over 100 nations, and into a life-altering intimacy with God, who he says, aches for our full presence, and invites us to experience his. That is the invitation of this book.
This is theological autobiography at its best! With humor, wit, and a heavy dose of wisdom, Jeff shares his journey from the Mormon church, which was filled with committed people, to the Christian faith, which he sadly discovered has comparatively few truly committed adherents. The Homeward Call is a rare gift: a compelling story of grace, deeply earthed, inspiring and provocative in equal measure. There is an unusual sense here of being offered something more than a memoir. These pages have been lived truly and written prayerfully. Here we have an invitation to walk the ancient paths with a trusted guide on the way that leads us home.“ Jeff Pratt’s life story, combined with practical In The Homeward Call, readers are invited to join I remember the first time I ever heard Jeff Pratt talk to God. It was in April of 1992. That was the first time I met Jeff and I remember it because I had never heard anyone talk to God like that before. It was as if he was talking to an intimate friend. I remember thinking at the time: “I want to know God like that.” I’m forever grateful that Jeff has walked with me on that journey. In a way, it’s been a journey home. All of life is sacred and our journey into eternal life is the journey of discovering our place of origin - GOD. Jeff is a true pilgrim on this road, an example and exile for Christ in a world of great beauty and pain. Authenticity, honesty, compassion and wonder hallmark Jeff’s call to the deeper life that is ours in Jesus of Nazareth. Onwards and upwards. |
It’s been said that God is like the “hound of heaven” pursuing us, coming after us to lead us home. Here is a beautiful homecoming story of a man who was raised Mormon, and has travelled the world, only to find God closer than he ever imagined.” Jeff Pratt, who has been faithfully knowing and serving the Lord for more than three decades, in the pages of his book walks you through his world, that will minister into your world—the life and love and challenges of following Jesus. I encourage you to learn, be inspired, Homeward Call is an invitation to follow the often It’s not a religion it’s a relationship’, is a phrase used I didn’t know Jeff before the invitation to read his book. But now having read it, I feel I know both Jeff and our Lord Jesus even more. Engaging, story-driven and immediately relevant - this book is ideal for anyone intrigued by the contemplative life or hungry to know Jesus but turned off by religion. I met Jesus afresh in these pages, and have finished with an invigorated faith, equipped with a toolkit of contemplative practices Jeff so skillfully makes accessible to every reader. Jeff Pratt's story shares his uncommon journey from the Mormon church and into the body of Christian activism through the contemplative practices of the church. It's an honest exploration, one that gives practical examples of what it means to follow in the way of Jesus. Take this book. Read it. Savor it. |
The Homeward CallA Contemplative Journey Into a Love That Will Not Let Us Go