The Homeward Call: A Contemplative Journey into a Love That Will Not Let Us Go
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The Homeward Call: A Contemplative Journey into a Love That Will Not Let Us Go; is the life story of Jeff Pratt, who was born and raised in a strong Mormon family, and set on the fast track to leadership within the Latter Day Saints Church before Jesus invaded his life.
The Homeward Call: A Contemplative Journey into a Love That Will Not Let Us Go; is the life story of Jeff Pratt, who was born and raised in a strong Mormon family, and set on the fast track to leadership within the Latter Day Saints Church before Jesus invaded his life.
After becoming a Christian, Jeff encountered nominalism and half-hearted devotion so often found in the Church, which led him to conclude that Mormons were more diligent at living their religious convictions than Christians were at following Jesus as a way of life. This realization led Jeff on a spiritual journey back to a more ancient homeland of a Bible-based Contemplative activism—a call that has taken him to over 100 nations, and into a life-altering intimacy with God, who he says, aches for our full presence, and invites us to experience his. That is the invitation of this book.